Monday, March 3, 2008

How to Start? - 5 Building Muscle Mass Tips for Beginners - Part 2

I'm glad you read this because it proves you felt great power behind simple principals I gave you in my free report, video lessons and part one of this article. They proved to be very much effective and thousands of regular people (just like me and you) use them with great success. As you can see out from tools I give you (I hope you took them by now), things are not at all complicated. It is only the false propaganda of the mighty supplement industry which is responsible for making people fail in their attempts to make solid advancement in their attempts to build muscle mass. Let me now explain most important building muscle mass principals, exactly those they don't want you to know and master.

1).Find the professional gym.

You may have fully equipped home gym at your home but this will not help you make solid advancement, at least in beginning. Even advanced weight lifters report that it is very difficult to train at full intensity and over an extende! d period of time in a home gym. You need the mood, the motivation and group of friends with similar goals. If you don't have them yet, don't worry you will soon. Your results will attract them to you.

Once you are in the gym you need to know all details of the workout routine you are going to hit today. Focus on your workout; avoid talking and doing anything that destructs you from achieving your daily / weekly lift goals. Use the presence of big guys around to draw more motivation. Ipod with good music choice can help you to build up intensity and focus your attention to build muscle mass workouts. That will give you best results!

2). Use heavy weights - train with intensity.

This is the basic one. There is no workout program which can give you good results without implementing this principal. This is very important. High intensity + heavy weights and low reps to failure is formula you need! Off course there is more to this, this is the essence of ! the building muscle mass science.

3). Take enough res! t.

Rest enough. This is a big mistake made by all beginners; they are too keen, too enthusiastic and shortly after too over trained. When you weight train you make microscopic tears in the muscle fibers that you train, you need to recuperate between workouts so these tears can heal and in the process they grow a little bigger and a little stronger. If you tear these again before they recuperate then you will be tearing an already injured part, it will now take even longer to heal, and you will find yourself a little weaker next time you train. Continue with this and you will find yourself not only weaker but slightly smaller.

You can see guys like this in the gym for years, training and training and always using the same weights and never getting bigger, never making progress - the best thing for them is to take a month off to recover then start again with more rest periods.

4). Train each muscle group ones a week.

As a basic guide you should aim a! t training each muscle group once a week, keeping in mind that going trough chest training routine will also hit shoulders and triceps somewhat, and training back will train your biceps to a degree.

5). Proper diet.

You better take this seriously if you want big things to happen with your attempts to build muscle mass Eat plenty of protein and fresh natural foods. Regardless of how much you think you eat you need to eat more. You may need to eat fewer calories but more nutrients. You need to eat 6 to 8 evenly spaced meals through out the day to keep your blood sugar levels up, to keep a constant flow of amino acids and a positive nitrogen balance in your body. Many boys and girls get scared from this. Like it or not but Building Muscle Mass is entirely dependent on proper diet. We need quality meal plan filled with a variety of food which is not rocket science to prepare and afford. I! personally use same diet plans you get from us because 12 ful! l weeks of no-guesswork, just healthy eating for fast muscle growth lifestyle is something I like very much.

Good diet is, believe me when I say, the most important thing you can do to gain a nice muscular physique. Eat clean, natural foods. Fresh food should be the entire constituents of your diet. Manufactured foods, tinned and frozen foods are not good for you. Too much sugar, bad fat percentage, unhealthy fats, various nasty additives and the carbohydrates are so processed that often you may as well be eating sugar.

This will give you a good start, as you go along and learn more you will start to adjust the training for your own requirements, but for the first year just follow these proven principles that made thousands upon thousands of skinny guys into bodybuilders.

Sasa James

You can download my Building Muscle Mass e-Book and contact me with any questions you may have. I'll be more than happy to help you get near to your muscle building goals fast.

Article Source:

Health & Fitness, Medicine for you

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