Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to Gain Weight (Muscle)

To learn how to gain weight (muscle) fast and effectively you need to learn how to eat and train. Eating is a huge part of successful weight gain. You'll only pack the pounds on if you pack the plate heavy and feed often. Training should consist of the exercises which will build bulk. Here's how to gain weight (muscle) both quickly and ultra effectively:


You have to do your time at the dinner table, the lunch table, and the breakfast table. And not only that, you have to do time at the snack table in between. This is going to force your body to gain weight, and when you combine this eating with training, you'll get muscle weight.

Protein is the primary element of every meal. Add in a sufficient amount of carbs and some fats to the meals, but primarily make sure your protein is the focus of your meal. For example:

Breakfast: Eggs.

Lunch: Meat sandwich (roast beef, turkey, etc)

Dinner: Chicken or Steak.

You then need to add ! in your favorite sides to each meal (hash browns and toast for breakfast, rice or pasta for dinner, and so forth) Make sure their hefty meals and they fill you up.

And in between those meals drink down a protein shake, so your protein intake is constant (every 3 hours) throughout the day.


For proper weight training you should get a muscle gain lifting manual which shows you the best exercises to perform to gain weight (muscle). Basically you are looking at the squat and the deadlift as the your two muscle bulking exercises to focus on. These have been proven time and again to be far superior than any other weight training exercise for gaining weight and getting big.

Focusing on eating heavy and training with these heavyweight exercises, will be the absolute fastest route towards gaining muscular weight.

And here is an excellent muscle gaining manual where you can learn the right exercises to perform for quick weight gain - http://gainin! g-muscle

Also you can get a free course for weight gain here as well -

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Forex Trading. Currency Trading Articles.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lower Body Strength Training for Wrestlers

Fitting a heavy lower body strength workout into your strength training program is usually the last thing on a wrestler's mind, especially in season. With all the practicing and running to make weight, who can blame them?! However, finding time to get in at least one lower body day a week in season is crucial for success. A lot of parents try to convince me their kids don't need it. They think that their kid's legs must be strong from all the running and practicing. They couldn't be further from the truth. Running to sweat weight off is not going to give you the strength to finish takedowns, the speed to get in on your opponents legs, or the power to return your opponent to the mat after they have stood up from the bottom. Making lower body strength training one of your top priorities in your wrestling training program will help you score more takedowns, improve the effectiveness of your sprawls, increase the success of your standups, and ultimately, help you win more mat! ches. Now that you know what stronger legs can do, let's go into the top four best exercises for developing them.

Box Squats

The squat is arguably the best exercise a wrestler can perform. I have all my wrestlers box squat for two big reasons. The first reason is that by sitting and pausing on a box and then squatting up forces the wrestler to overcome a static position. This closely resembles stalemate situations during a match. The second reason is that every rep is consistently deep. Squatting to a box takes all the guess work out of whether or not the wrestler went deep enough on their squats.

The first step to box squatting is building a box. You can use a bench, stack plates, use aerobic steps, or anything else you can find. I make mine out of wood and use ¾" plywood to adjust the height. You may be so lucky as to find an adjustable box in the gym you workout at. The most important thing is that when you are sitting on the box your thighs are paralle! l to the floor.

After your box is built you're ready to ! start sq uatting. Get under the bar and walk back until you're close enough to the box where you can sit on it only when you drive your hips back and down. The width of your stance is up to you but be sure to angle your toes out slightly. Initiate the squat from the hips, not the knees. Force your hips back, drive your knees out and sit down to the box in a controlled manner. Do not drop to the box. Make sure your chest is kept tall throughout and your lower back stays flat.

Now that you're at the bottom of the squat it's time to stand back up. Force your chest up, drive your hips up off the box and return to the standing position. When you're done walk forward until the bar hits the rack and lower yourself from there until the bar rests on the hooks.


The deadlift is one of two other exercises that come to mind that may challenge the squat in terms of the best exercise for a wrestler. The deadlift is a little easier to setup and perform but it requires an ! incredible amount of strength in the hips, back, and hands. There are two ways to deadlift- conventional and sumo. I will detail the sumo deadlift because that tends to be the favorite among the wrestlers that I work with.

The stance for a sumo deadlift is going to be wider than a conventional deadlift, and it will resemble the stance of a sumo wrestler...go figure. Your stance should be wider than your hips with your toes angled out like you have them when you squat. Take an alternate grip (one palm facing you the other facing away from you) where your hands are directly under your shoulders. With your grip inside your knees you will be able to prevent your knees from being forced together by your arms during the lift. Sink your hips down and get your chest up tall and your low back flat. Lift the bar off the ground while maintaining a flat low back until you are completely standing. Make sure your arms stay straight and relaxed throughout the lift. Lower the bar and! repeat.


The lunge is a great builder of si! ngle leg lower body strength. Single leg strength is needed throughout wrestling, especially when shooting on the legs; which is why lunges are so important in a lower body wrestling training program.

The lunge can be performed with a barbell or with dumbbells. If you are using a barbell hold it on your back as you would for a squat. If you are using dumbbells, hold them at your sides. Your feet should be hip width apart throughout the exercise. Begin the lunge by taking an exaggerated step forward with one foot (like you would for your penetration step) while keeping the other foot planted behind you. Once you are in the lunge position, lower your hips until the knee of the trail leg lightly touches the ground. Concentrate on lowering your hips to touch your knee instead of driving the knee of the lead leg forward. Be sure to keep your upper body tight so the movement is controlled when your knee touches- your knee should not slam against the ground. Drive your lead foot into! the ground to power you back to a standing position. It should only take one smooth step to return to the standing position, if it takes more, lower the weight.

Romanian Deadlifts

The Romanian deadlift is a great way to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It is one of the most effective ways to train your hip extenders (the muscles that help you stand up, return an opponent to the mat, lift an opponent to finish a shot, and sprawl). Begin by holding the bar at the lock out position of a deadlift. Your feet should be underneath your hips with toes pointed forward and your grip should be outside of your legs in a position that will prevent your arms from driving your knees together at any time during the movement. Keep your chest up and back flat throughout the movement. Start with a slight bend your knees and keep them locked in this position throughout the exercise. Just like the squat, initiate the movement by pushing your hips back and begin t! o slide the bar down your quads and shins. Keep lowering the b! ar while maintaining a tight core until you feel a strong stretch in your hamstrings. Although this movement is completely dependent upon hamstring flexibility, all of my wrestlers can lower the bar down to their mid-shin. Once you reach the bottom, bring your hips back through and stand back up.

Dickie White is the founder of Got Dickie?, one of the nation's top systems for training champion wrestlers. Dickie is a 2006 graduate of the Ithaca College Clinical Exercise Science program and holds a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). For more information on how you can improve your performance on the mat through his strength training system please visit

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Fast Weight Loss

Monday, January 28, 2008

6 Bodybuilding Tips

If you are starting a bodybuilding program one of the best things you can do is to study what the professionals do. You can discover many tips and techniques from professionals that will enhance your workout. They have done it, know what works and have the great bodies to prove it, so why not copy them? You really don't have to go it alone.

The following bodybuilding tips have been taken from experts and cover areas that they say many bodybuilders tend to ignore or overlook in their bodybuilding program.

1 Keep it all in proportion. If you are trying for a truly sculpted look, proportion is really important. One area that is often overlooked is the calf muscles because they are relatively small to begin with and are difficult to build. Just because they are difficult to work with doesn't mean they are not important. The calves are just as important as any other muscle in your body and can make you look totally out of balance if they are ignored. Besides! working them with specific routines, using both wide and narrow stances when lifting will help to hone the calf muscles.

2 Get a training partner. This has been proven many times but is still ignored by many bodybuilders. A training partner will help keep you motivated and even share a few tips and advice now and then. And there is nothing that stimulates you during a workout like a little friendly competition that keeps you centered on your goals. Just don't go overboard and end up with an injury because you let the partner push you a little too much.

3 Don't lean over backward when working the deltoids. The deltoids get a lot of work by most bodybuilders because they are one of the most prominent muscle groups in the body and respond very well to workouts. Good delts make you look proportionally fit and trim. Lateral raises can pump up your delts to new heights, but do these raises leaning slightly forward. Many people builders have a tendency t! o lean slightly backwards when doing lateral raises but the de! lts will not be getting a full workout if you do this.

4 Proper nutrition is important. A bodybuilder's best friend is what he/she puts into his body. Get or develop a well-balanced diet and stick with it. Eat 5 or 6 smaller meals during the day rather than the traditional 3 larger meals. Maintain a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. A bodybuilder needs both. Carbs will give you the quick energy and the protein builds the muscle providing long-term sustained energy. And stay hydrated. Water is critical to your metabolic process.

5 Supplements are important in building muscle mass. The problem is that some bodybuilders want to cheat nature and use a lot of chemical supplements. You do not need to do this. The best nutrient you can put into your body to help grow muscle mass is protein - not something from a drug lab. So look to protein supplements. They will not only help pack on muscles but they bring up your energy level so you will b! e able to do your routines with more ease and feel a better sense of well being during your rest periods.

6 Keep an open mind. Always be open to new advice and tips. This does not mean to jump from one program to another but we can always use a little fresh insight now and then. Most bodybuilders love to share what they have learned. Body building tips are everywhere. Ask the buff guy at your gym for the one most important tip he can offer. If you are sincere, you will end up getting many tips on bodybuilding.

For more tips and articles on bodybuilding the way the professionals do, go to Gerry's website, Muscle-Building-Reviews where you will find reviews of top bodybuilding programs and other free articles and resources.

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Travel Tips

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How to Build Lean Muscle at a Mind Blowing Rate

What is the most important thing you can do at the gym to ensure that you will continually build lean muscle?

It's very simple. The most important thing you can do each and every single time you go to the gym if you want to build muscle is to try to set a PR (personal record) on every lift you do. That's it. What this means is that you should always be trying do either do more reps with the same weight (within reason, any sets above 12 on most upper body exercises and 15-20 reps on lower body exercises will do nothing to stimulate muscle growth) or more weight for the same number of reps. Doing the same thing that you have done in a previous workout will do absolutely nothing to help you build lean muscle. The first time you apply a new stress to the body it will adapt by building itself up bigger and stronger. But when it faces that exact same stress again the next time, it will be prepared for it and thus will not adapt again. This is why you have to go up in eith! er weight or reps and try to set a new PR.

Powerlifters and weightlifters continually try to set PR's in contests. They also do this in training by testing their one rep maxes every few weeks or months. But setting PR's does not have to be relegated to singles. You should try to set six rep PR's, ten rep PR's and twenty rep PR's. If you are really serious about your desire to build lean muscle, you always have to be improving. To do this you have to keep detailed records of everything you do in a training journal and always look back at it so you have a goal to shoot for at every workout and on every set you do.

If you really want to build lean muscle, no set should ever be done without the goal of setting a PR. The only exceptions are prehab exercises and times when you are rehabbing from an injury. If you continually try to set PR's on everything you do it gives your workout a much greater purpose and meaning. Not only that but it is a thousand times more fun ! than just mindlessly going through the motions trying to get a! pump. S uddenly your workout becomes something that has quantifiable results that can be measured each and every single time you set foot in the gym. What could be more motivating than that? Chasing PR's also eliminates all the useless junk volume that most people end up doing after they have finished their main exercises.

Even if you start your workout with big exercises like chin ups and military presses and set new eight rep PR's on those, it doesn't mean that when you get to the little exercises and the end like hammer curls and pushdowns that should forget the principle and just do whatever it takes to get a pump. On the contrary, you should still be trying to set a new eight, ten or twelve rep PR on both of those exercises as well.

Forget about adding more sets, decreasing your rest periods and supersetting for a while because none of those approaches will ever help you build lean muscle at a mind blowing rate. If you want to really ramp up the speed at which you b! uild lean muscle and strength, start trying to set PR's on every lift you do and get ready to be blown away by the results you achieve and how much more enjoyable your training will become.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as humanly possible. He is the head training adviser for Men's Fitness Magazine where he also has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For more great muscle building information, please visit

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Weight Loss Supplements

Saturday, January 26, 2008

How to Build Muscle Fast

If you want to build muscle fast there are a few very important factors you need to be aware of. First of all, if you have less than Herculean genetics you need to be sure to avoid overtraining. There are several different ways to do this which are listed below.

• Don't do more than 12-15 sets per workout.

• Don't train for longer than an hour.

• Don't train more than four days per week; three days is even better.

• Don't train for more than 8-12 weeks without taking a week off.

• Don't train with 90% or above your one rep max for more than three weeks in a row.

Those are a few of the easiest ways to avoid overtraining. Heeding that advice will definitely help you build muscle fast.

Productive mass building workouts are centered on one concept and one concept only; progressive overload. You have to consistently get stronger and lift more weight and do more reps if you ever want to get bigger. Doing the same thing repeatedly will g! et you absolutely nowhere and is a complete waste of your time.

Also, you need to be sure that you are using big, compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and chin ups with heavy weights. Don't waste your time with isolation exercises and pumping techniques that do nothing to help you build muscle fast.

Next, you need to be sure your diet is in order. This means that you are eating copious amounts of food every 2-3 hours. Going longer than this without a meal will impede your progress and you will never get huge. You should be focusing on organic whole foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for the majority of your calories. The rest of your intake should be made up of clean sources of protein like eggs and fish.

Another thing that will help you build muscle fast is paying the utmost attention to your recovery. You should be getting as much rest as possible which includes sleeping a minimum of eight hours per night and hopefully even tak! ing a short nap during the day. Another thing that can boost y! our reco very ability is regular massage. This can be a real massage from a masseuse or just a simple self massage with a foam roller or tennis ball. Either way you do it will help tremendously, just be sure to do it.

Although most people overlook its importance, stretching is another crucially important component of a good muscle building program. Stretching can help tight muscles grow more efficiently and can even help prevent injuries in certain instances. If you don't do any stretching now, I highly recommend that you start. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results, I'm sure.

If you follow the tips above you will build muscle fast; perhaps faster than you ever imagined. I have provided the information, now it's up to you to use it.

Good luck.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as humanly possible. He is the head training adviser for Men's Fitness Magazine where he also! has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For more great muscle building information, please visit

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About Weight Loss

Friday, January 25, 2008

Diet Plans For Muscle Building

Diet plans for muscle building are crucial to your success. Exercise and weight training can only do so much for you. If you are not implementing the right diet into your muscle building journey, you are essentially not doing yourself much good at all. Knowing what to eat and how to eat are critical elements in it.

Remember when you were younger, your parents told you that every growing child has to eat the right foods to become big and strong? Well, the same applies now, even as an adult. In order to grow, you have to eat, but in order to grow in the desired way, you have to eat right. Eating the wrong foods will lead to fat. In body building, there is nothing worse than fat.

There are many different types of diet plans for muscle building. These include protein, anabolic, and low carb diets. The protein diet is one diet that many body builders use and maintain. It is a known fact in the world of bodybuilding that protein is necessary to gain the muscle mass ! you are looking for. There are many ways you can get your protein, but with a protein diet, it consists of animal meats and other such forms of protein.

Another one of the many diet plans for it is the anabolic diet. This diet is not as popular because it takes more discipline and careful planning. In this diet, all you eat is protein, that is it - nothing more. Carbs are kept to a minimum during the week. When the weekend comes, carbs are allowed and you try to eat as many as you possibly can. However, this really takes some discipline.

If you are not careful and watchful, the anabolic diet can actually increase your body fat instead of your muscles. It is important to stick to the diet during the weekdays, in order to refrain from gaining the fat.

The low carb diet is another of the diet plans for muscle building. Again, in this diet, you are limiting the amount of carbs you are eating. However, as with the anabolic diet, it is not the preferred diet for! bodybuilders. It is difficult to stick with and tends to wear! out the bodybuilder quickly, increasing fatigue and weakness.

The reason for this is that your body loves carbs. It turns the carbs into fuel for the body. However, with this diet, the body is tricked into using fat for its fuel instead of carbs. Depending on who you talk to, this diet may also cause you to lose muscles as well.

For more articles like this and to download an awesome FREE Report - '8 Things You MUST Do To Build Maximum Muscle' visit my website -

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All About Weight Loss

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weight Lifting Programs for Women? Absolutely!

Weight lifting programs are often thought of as the domain of men. But women too should strongly consider incorporating weight training into their exercise programs.


Well you don't have to take my word for it. Mayo Clinic, Stanford and Harvard universities are just some of the respected institutions that say weight training can have enormous advantages for most women.

Here are the Top Reasons women should include weight lifting into their fitness program:

1. Stronger muscles will make everyday tasks, such as picking up kids, not only easier but also safer as you will be less prone to injury.

2. Lifting weights will help you loss body fat! As your body mass decreases your resting metabolism (how many calories you burn just sitting around) will increase. Did you know that for every pound of muscle you gain you'll burn 30-50 more calories per day? The extra muscle will also benefit you as you get older by ! keeping the fat off and helping you maintain strong bones.

3. I can hear you now, "I don't want to look big and bulky." Don't worry, you won't bulk up. Unlike men, women don't have enough testosterone to build bulky muscles. Men have 10 to 30 times the amount of the hormone than women.

4. As I mentioned before weight lifting helps keep bones strong and decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Weight lifting can significantly increase the density of the bones in your spine in just 6 months.

5. Weight training also helps prevent arthritis and even back pain

6. Weight lifting can also increase your cardiovascular health by lowering your blood pressure and increase "good cholesterol".

7. The risk of diabetes is also decreased with weight training. That's because it improves the way your body processes sugar.

8. Feel Better. A study done by Harvard showed that after 10 weeks of weight training, people suffering from clinical sym! ptoms of depression felt better than those only receiving coun! seling.< /p>

9. Weight lifting also helps ward off sluggishness that often affects people as they get older.

10. You're never too old to start weight lifting programs. Just make sure no matter what your age your consult your doctor first.

For Weight Lifting Programs and General Fitness info visit

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Hair Loss Articles

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Build More Muscle Combine Maltodextrin and Whey Protein

Maltodextrin comes in either powder form or a liquid drink such as Carboplex. It is an ideal type of carbohydrate to mix with whey protein shake after your workout. Maltrodextrin is a very concentrated carbohydrate, pure energy that the cells in your body can draw upon during a workout.

The advantage of maltodextrin over other types of carbohydrate such as sucrose, dextrose, or glucose is that it is absorbed more efficiently by the body and can be given in a relatively large dose without fear of gastric distress and also is tasteless.

With maltrodextrin you have energy and also accelerate the recovery process following a workout. If you ingest maltodextrin sixty to thirty minutes before the workout in combination with whey protein, it helps prevent muscle loss during exercise. Taken after exercise mixed with whey protein, maltodextrin will slowly stabilize your blood sugar level. This releases the hormone insulin, which drives the protein and carbohydrate into! your muscle cells to enhance the anabolic state.



When your goal is to increase lean muscle, this is the best supplementation strategy. Research has show that an easily digestible "fast" protein such as whey and a high quality carbohydrate such as maltodextrin work exponentially better together. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise reported: "Consumption of both protein and carbohydrate results in even greater effects on protein balance. Protein synthesis was stimulated 400 % above pre-exercise values when a protein and carbohydrate supplement was consumed (soon) after a bout of resistance exercise."

You can read the article You need to eat to become lean and hard here!!

This means that the ! addition of protein to an amino acid carbohydrate mixture prol! ongs the anabolic response. In other words, whey and maltodextrin taken together are an extremely efficient muscle-building duo.

And the researches state that this mixture of protein and carbs was most effective when ingested immediately after exercise. And you have benefits if you ingest these proteins and carbs up 2 hours after exercise.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab the Ebook training-nutrition-secrets absolutely FREE which details methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat , by Mike Geary (a $17.99 Value) FREE!! Get a healthy body

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Weight Loss Blog

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If You Want To Look Great In A T-Shirt, You Need To Know Your Bodybuilding ABC's

Wouldn't it be great to turn heads with admiration and respect every time you went out in your favorite t-shirt, tank top or muscle tee? To get this reaction, you need the bodybuilding "ABC's" of tight, toned Abs, big, muscular Biceps and a thick, chiseled Chest. Here are a few exercises and training tips to help you start building the strong, t-shirt bustin' upper body you deserve!

A. Abs Training

To look great in a t-shirt, you don't need to have "six-pack abs" to the extent this term means a super lean or "ripped" mid-section. If you want a "six-pack," by all means, go for it - but understand that getting a shredded core requires a lot of cardio work and disciplined eating to reduce your overall body fat percentage. To do this, you'll need to add cardio training and bodybuilding nutrition to the workout tips provided in this article.

But to simply jump start your abs into looking better in a t-shirt, the first thing you should do is tighten and flatte! n your abdominal wall with the following basic exercises.

1. Abdominal Curls or "Crunches"

Though this exercise gets a lot of negative press, I've used crunches effectively for years to tone and flatten my abdominal wall. Crunches are especially good for tightening the middle and upper portion of the abs just below the pecs. Some people have trouble doing this exercise due to back or neck pain, especially those who already have lower back problems. To avoid lower back strain, don't move your hips as you contract your abs to raise your body from the floor. Also, if you have your hands behind your head, don't pull them forward as you raise your upper body to avoid any possible neck pain. Instead, make your abs do the work of pulling your sternum forward to complete the "crunch" motion. For more advanced training, perform the same movement with your knees elevated 90 degrees from the floor or add a twisting motion to work your obliques.

2. Incline Leg Lifts

To balance out your abs training, incline leg lifts are g! reat for tightening the lower abdominal area just below your navel. Simply lie back on an incline board with your legs together and grasp the handle above your head. Contract your abs and slowly raise your legs as though to touch your knees to your nose. Then slowly return to the starting position so that your abs continue to work through the negative portion of this exercise.

If you don't have access to an incline board, sit on the end of a flat bench with your legs together and your arms behind you at shoulder width. Lean back about 45 degrees and extend your legs forward using your arms to support your body weight. Contract your abs and slowly pull your knees toward your chest to work your lower abs. Make sure to keep your form as you return to the starting position to work your abs during the negative portion of this movement.

3. Rope-Handle Pulley Crunches

Rope-Handle Pulley Crunches are great for tightening the entire abdominal region. Just make sure that you! don't use heavy weight with this exercise. The goal here is to tighten and flatten your abs rather than enlarging them through heavy weight training. To perform this exercise, grasp the rope handles at shoulder height while kneeling in an upright position with your back to the pulley machine. Crunch your upper body forward to pull the rope handles and your chest down towards your thighs. Contract your abs fully so that you can really feel them squeeze at the bottom of this movement. Slowly return to the starting position to get negative resistance from this exercise.

B. Biceps Training

Your biceps are the first thing anyone notices when you wear a t-shirt. Whether you're carrying groceries or curling a barbell, your biceps are involved in all of your basic lifting movements. And no other muscle area symbolizes physical power like beefy, bulging biceps. So if you want to look great in t-shirt, you need big, muscular biceps. Try the following exercises to get sta! rted building a serious set of GUNS.

1. Concentration Cu! rls

< p>Sit comfortably on a flat workout bench with your knees slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Lean slightly forward and grasp a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm extended toward the floor and your elbow anchored against the inside of your right leg. Make sure that your hand is fully supinated and that you remain stabilized on the bench throughout each repetition. Don't jerk your upper body or the dumbbell to gain additional leverage or momentum. Slowly curl the dumbbell by contracting your biceps and flexing your forearm toward your upper arm. You should curl the weight to a point just below your chin for full biceps contraction. Return to the starting position and repeat.

2. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is one of the best biceps builders ever - as long as you sit on a bench that has a back rest to prevent torso movement. Too many people do this exercise either standing or sitting on a bench without back support. In order to make s! ure that your biceps get the most work from this movement you must stabilize your torso so as to prevent any jerking motion. Also, remember to supinate your hands throughout each repetition - do not begin or end this exercise with your hands in a neutral or pronated position.

3. Chin Ups

Chin Ups are an excellent compound bodyweight exercise for building strength and mass in your biceps. This exercise also thickens the latissimus dorsi ("lats") and rhomboid muscles on the sides and upper-middle portion of your back. Simply grasp the Chin Up bar with an underhand grip and your arms shoulder-width apart. Inhale as you pull your body upward until your chin nearly touches the bar. Exhale as you lower your body to return to the starting position.

C. Chest Training

Even if your abs are tight and your GUNS are smokin', you won't look or feel your best without a solid, muscular chest. Try the chest exercises below to make sure that your t-shirt doesn't droop! from lack of pectoral development!

1. Weighted Pushups

Ta ke a standard pushup position with your hands and arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Have a training buddy gently place a 5-10 pound barbell plate on your back to force your chest to work harder than it would with a standard pushup (you can increase the amount of weight as needed). Make sure you keep your back straight and your head up to balance the weight and put maximum resistance on your chest. Slowly lower your chest to nearly touch the floor and then push yourself back up to the starting position.

2. Parallel Bar Dips

Parallel Bar Dips are great for adding mass and shape to your entire pectoral area. Simply grasp the handles of a parallel dip apparatus and hold your body suspended between them. For primary training emphasis on your chest, lean forward as you perform this exercise. Inhale as you lower yourself as far down as you can comfortably descend and then exhale as you push yourself back up to the starting position.

3. Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press is also great for adding size, strength and shape to your chest. I recommend this exercise over barbell bench press because it allows you to stretch your chest through a greater range of motion and stimulate more muscle fibers for better growth. So if you really want to pack your t-shirts with powerful pecs, this is the way to do it!

Putting It All Together

For fun and training variety, I like to mix and match these exercises into what I call my "t-shirt muscle workouts." That means instead of only doing these exercises as part of an abs, arms or chest training session, I mix these exercises into various workouts using supersets or tri-sets. For example, I sometimes do tri-sets of abdominal crunches, concentration curls and parallel bar dips. I also do supersets of dumbbell bench press with incline leg lifts or alternating dumbbell curls with rope-handle pulley crunches. You should experiment with different combinations of these exercis! es as well. I'm sure that you'll find them fun and rewarding w! hen it c omes to building a strong, t-shirt bustin' physique!

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit

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Source: http://ezinearticles.c! om/?If-You-Want-To-Look-Great-In-A-T-Shirt,-You-Need-To-Know-Your-Bodybuilding-ABCs&id=940445
About Weight Loss Diets

Monday, January 21, 2008

Building Muscle Fast

One of the keys to building muscle fast is to understand the difference between stimulating your muscles to grow and mutilating your muscles and thus requiring abnormal recovery times. Basically you want to "assault" your muscles to the point that your body reacts and creates more muscle growth to avoid that type of attack again. Then your gradually increase the attack each work out.

This is not to say that you should do rep after rep until you can't take it anymore. In the first place if you are able to do massive amounts of reps then you are not working out with the proper amount of weight. Ten reps is the maximum you should do in any set and always keep in mind that the 11 rep is forbidden and you should plan your workout weight accordingly.

No more than 3-5 sets per muscle group so you may start bench presses at say 150 pounds for the first set of 10 then go to 160 for set two and 175 for sets 3 & 4 (sometimes 5) This should adequately promote proper muscl! e growth while reducing muscle recover times.

Another factor to consider when building muscle fast is the rest time between sets. Reducing rest enables the body to increase workload. An increased workload over time means a more fit body and more rapid muscle growth because you train your body to handle the increased workload with reduced resting time.

The great thing about these tips is you not only achieve the result of building muscle fast but it also helps reduce the overall time required to complete a daily workout. Nobody has the time or desires to spend all day long at the gym. Modern day muscle trainers like Vince Delmonte understand that the days of guys spending hours at the gym working biceps are done. Today we want to be able to fit our workouts into our busy schedule and still be able to achieve the results of building muscle fast as well.

If you are interested in more no nonsense techniques about building muscle fast I have put together a blog! with some helpful tips and links to resources. You can visit ! it at:

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Health & Fitness, Medicine for you

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bodybuilding Over Fifty

One question that is asked by many people is whether it is still appropriate to undertake bodybuilding over the age of fifty. Of course, the answer to this regularly asked question is yes.

Provided that the body is supplied with the relevant materials that it requires in order to rebuild and repair cells, then you should have no problems at all.

It is essential that a person over the age of fifty re-examines their dietary needs in order to ensure that their daily food intake is nutritional. Processed foods and sugar should be slowly eliminated from your eating habits. Some of you may wonder what else is left after the elimination of processed foods, but believe me, there are many natural foods that have fantastic nutritional value and will do wonders for your muscle size and overall shape.

It is also essential that any person over the age of fifty years that wishes to begin bodybuilding, or is a bodybuilder at present, has the knowledge and understanding! of good nutrition. It is important to be aware of the available vitamins and minerals that are available in certain foods and the wonders that these can do for your body.

One substance that is needed in bodybuilding is protein, which is required in order to build new tissues and cells and also to rebuild and repair old ones. Apart from your bones and nerves, your blood, tissues, organs, skin, hair and nails are approximately 95% protein. Foods which are classed as being complete proteins are meat, fish, eggs and poultry. Other sources include soybeans, sunflower seeds and peanuts. Sugar is absolutely unnecessary in a bodybuilding diet as 60% of protein that is consumed is converted into sugar, otherwise known as glucose.

The daily diet should be made up of 2/3 protein, and the other third being fresh raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. One of the most effective sources of protein is liver. Research shows that it is the number one food for building up your bo! dy and greatly increasing energy levels. It is also known to r! elieve f atigue and neutralize many dangerous drugs within the body.

Fish is seen as being the ideal food, as it is an excellent source of high quality protein. Fat produces an energy reserve, slows down the speed of which food is digested, along with it being a source of heat and energy, as well as acting as a cushion for vital organs.

When bodybuilding, it is recommended to have an intake of powdered milk. This is advised because it consists of an abundance of fat free protein, vitamins and minerals. Research also shows that it rejuvenates the heart, brain and nerves as well as assisting in the strengthening of the failing body.

Natural carbohydrates are something that should be consumed when bodybuilding, as they invigorate the body and supply it with warmth and vitality. Many people assume that potatoes should be avoided because of their starch content. This is a total misconception. Potatoes are vegetables that contain many nutritional elements for a bodybuildi! ng diet.

Therefore, in conclusion, when bodybuilding over the age of fifty, it is important to remember that it is not the quantity of food that is the problem, it is what happens to the food once it has been consumed. If you consume the incorrect foods, then eating large quantities will not assist you when building muscle.

For more articles like this and to download an awesome FREE Report - '8 Things You MUST Do To Build Maximum Muscle' visit my website -

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Calories Weight Loss

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bodyweight Training - The Biggest Problem And The Solution

The key to success with ANY form of physical training is PROGRESSION. If you are not progressing, you are not improving. And if you're not improving, you're wasting your valuable training time. Progressive training (whether it be with outside resistance like dumbbells or barbells, or with your own bodyweight) is what translates into real world physical improvements you can USE, and physique improvements you can SEE.

So, it should go without saying that in order to get the most from your bodyweight training, you must progressively become better. For your exercise sessions to be successful, (producing the ability and physical changes you desire), you must be making progress. If you are not increasing the challenge of your training on a regular basis, you are doing little more than manual labor, and you will never reach your goals.

Sounds simple, but here's the biggest problem:

Bodyweight training is different than progression in other types of training bec! ause the weight of resistance is fixed! Your bodyweight does not change. So, how do you continue to progress when the weight you are using as resistance remains the same, or actually becomes less due to fat loss?

In other forms of resistance training, there are multiple ways to progress, for example... increasing the weight you use for the exercise. You can use heavier dumbbells. Or you can add more weight to the bar.

But these options don't exist for bodyweight training. And unfortunately, instead of searching for a reasonable solution to this problem, most people ONLY progress by increasing the amount of repetitions performed. And this is ONE way to progress.

However, this SINGULAR progression approach often leads to boredom, or worse, overuse injuries. In either case, the bodyweight training only goes so far.

So, what's the solution?

In simple terms, look to progress on multiple levels. Be creative, and there are many ways to progress even w! hen the weight of the resistance stays the same. Here are a fe! w of my favorites:

- Split the exercises up into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Progress by increasing the difficulty of the exercises in the program.

- Increase the amount of repetitions performed PER SESSION. Don't go for high reps per set, but increase the amount of overall reps by doing more set, circuits, rounds, etc. In this way, you can increase the volume of your workout effectively and safely.

- Reduce rest periods between exercises, sets, circuits, rounds, etc. This places greater stress on both the muscles and cardiorespiratory systems by increasing the density of the workout.

- Here is the most important one. Do a combination of all three. Simultaneously uses more difficult exercises, do more overall reps and reduce the rest periods. Talk about a progression method that forces your body to become stronger, leaner and more fit.

Here is the one thing you should notice. All the above progression methods do not involve increasing the a! mount of resistance. And I think these methods should be used with weighted resistance programs as well.

As you can clearly see, bodyweight training is not limited because of the inability to add weight to the exercises. There are many ways to progress that does not involve only adding weight. Multiple progression methods should be used in bodyweight exercise as well as other forms of training.

Are you using these progression methods effectively in your training?

Coach Eddie Lomax builds strong, lean, athletic bodies by using multiple progression methods in Workout Without Weights Bodyweight calisthenics are an integral part of his Athletic Body Workout

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Articles about Women s Interests.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Weight Lifting for the Hard Gainer

What do you see when you look into the mirror when your down to nothing but your shorts? Just what shape of body are you looking at? The marathon runner or the world-class sprinter with the heavier musculature frame? Here are some basic weight lifting rules to follow to help with your quest.

You are not the only one that has trouble packing on lean muscle mass. Whatever the reason may be, your genetics call for you to follow a different set of weightlifting methods and principles. I know that it may not seem very fair in the scheme of things where someone else doing the same routine can grow over night. My brother was one of these that grew a lot faster than I did even though we both worked out on the same routine together. Therefore, I know what you may be going through.

You are taking one of the most important steps in changing this, by doing research regarding different ways to workout your body. Let me start by saying, one of the key elements that the hard! gainers needs to avoid at all costs. That is to would be to avoid volume workouts.

Rule #1:

When you go to the gym get in and get out! That should be your motto from this day forward. Repeat it. Breathe it. Live it. Doing these routines takes many calories, and you need all the calories you can get at this point. If you are burning it up in the gym every single day, how do you expect to grow? The answer to that is you simply, you will not.

You grow when you are resting and generally, the thinner you are, the more rest you are going to need. Now, that doesn't mean you should park it on the couch for a few days in between your workouts. It simply means that each routine should not consist of several sets. For example, immediately after you take your rest break, you go back to another twenty sets.

You're workouts need to consist of ten to twelve sets, if not fewer when you are pushing yourself to the MAX. There is no room to be a sissy doing lightweigh! t workouts in your program.

Rule #2:

Don't do the ! isolated exercises. Yes, you heard me right the first time. You definitely don't need them at this stage.

If your workouts normally include bicep curls, followed by tricep kickbacks, followed by leg extensions, followed by chest flys, followed by... you get the picture, you've got to change this as quick as possible. The important thing to remember is that you have only got so much time you are allowed to be in the gym.. Don't you want to get the biggest bang for your buck? I'm sure that you do, so that means focusing on compound lifts only. This includes weight lifting exercises such as squats, bench presses, deadlifts, rows and military presses.

I want you to become the best of friends with these exercises and you will have new muscles in the picture soon enough. Toss the five day split program, get yourself on a good upper/lower or full body workout program and you have found the key to unleashing new muscle mass.

The next significant point.

Rule # 3.

REST! You've put in your effort at the gym, feed your body with some good food. If you have made plans to go out partying all night, you might want to rethink that. While you definitely want to maintain your social life while trying to gain weight - and you should - it should not come at the sacrifice of sleep.

Sleep is primetime when it comes to your body repairing itself and growing stronger so short-circuit sleep and you are short-circuiting your results. Just don't do it. Period. It's that simple.

Rule #4.

I don't have to guess that you want to be big, but you don't want to be fat. Let's not worry about that at this point, because you and I both know you are a long ways from fat. Gaining fat weight is going to be more a concept of diet than anything else so as long as you are being smart in the kitchen, you don't need to perform hours of cardio to remain lean. Cardio is just going to further burn off precious calories that could have gone towards bui! lding you new muscle mass.

For you, calories are a hot c! ommodity and should not be spent on the treadmill. If you want to keep up some cardio for general health sake, fine, but limit this to two or three twenty minute sessions per week - TOPS. And make it low to moderate intensity as well. The only place you are to be intense is in the weight room

Rule #5.

You need to find a mentor. You want someone who has been there, done that. They used to be a thin guy just like you and they've managed to overcome the curse and now tip the scales and dominate the weight room. This person will do wonders for your motivational levels. Don't feel like lifting? Have a good look at his body. You'll want to pick that weight up after that. Furthermore, he can let you in on some of his tried-and-true secrets that just might be key for you as well.

Last but not least Rule #6.

The important word at this point is "Technique". Ever seen that guy in the gym who is lifting so much weight, doing the barbell curl that it looks like he's got m! ore momentum going on than the Graviton at the fair? He's pretty much working every muscle in his body except his biceps. Not so beneficial. Not only that, but give him two weeks and a hundred bucks says he's out with back pain.

It is very important to maintain proper form throughout your weight lifting, not only to prevent injuries but also to see the muscular gains you are looking for. If you cheat doing the lift, you are only cheating yourself. If you don't know what proper form is yet, book a session with a trainer or find yourself a spotter who can help you.


Repeat this process over a few months without getting distracted or becoming too much of a party animal and you will make this the year you change your dreaded skinny image. So to sum up your new approach to your weight lifting sessions - get in, train hard and with proper technique, get out, eat and rest.

No Nonsense Muscle Building : Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain fou! nd at http://

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Forex Trading. Currency Trading Articles.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Teenage Bodybuilding - Getting Big At An Early Age

Bodybuilding is not something to today's world as more people are into such activities in large groups. It has been considered to be something which attracts people of all ages and sexes. Teenage bodybuilding is something which is rising up nowadays. These kids start up with muscle building soon after they enter the sixteen to eighteen age groups. In such young age they try to grab the attention of by passers. To encourage them there are several teenage bodybuilding competitions held up by several organizations.

Teenagers also get inspired by celebrities and great personalities such as Jay Cutler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mohammed Ali and the list goes on if you are to name people. Many of them started their career with the fittest body during their teenage thus proving to be the best follow up possible for the rising community.

The exercises recommended for teenage bodybuilding is a little different from the others as it should not involve over weight as it mig! ht put the person in trouble. Before starting up with any exercise, the teenager who is going to get indulged should ensure the strength of his body so that he can withstand the weight exercises which are to be practiced to build up great body. Some of the weighing exercises include push ups, pull ups, hyperextensions, chin ups and dips.

There are four different and primary concepts which underlie the teenage bodybuilding program. They consist of bodybuilding supplementation, nutrition, the real value of weight lifting and finally the complete recovery. These are the same concepts followed by an adult bodybuilder.

Two stages are included in teenage bodybuilding namely, the bulk up stage and the contest preparation. The former stage lets the person gain both muscle as well as body weight to make themselves stand unique wherever they are. The later stage is the second phase concentrates on concerts and at this point more importance is given to more muscles. If you! are in the need for a real definition of your muscles, you ne! ed to re duce body fat by following suggested diet for the proper development of body.

Individuals indulged in teenage bodybuilding should be very careful about the food ingested by them everyday. The daily meal should comprise of something which would increase the muscle of the body bringing it in real shape and appropriate shape. At a certain stage, the person is also asked to eat five to six meals per day, but by avoiding foods rich in fats.

Protein could be included in the diet for stimulating muscle development. Depending on bodybuilding supplements could also benefit the teenage bodybuilding individual.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with bodybuilding using simple and effective bodybuilding nutrition and workout simply go to

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Weight Loss Supplements

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Important is DHEA for Big Muscle Mass Building

You can read and hear different opinions about the value and importance of DHEA for muscle mass building. I want to give you short overview on what exactly does DHEA do in process of creating new high quality muscle mass and how you can benefit from using it.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is made in continuous cycles from the adrenal glands. It's made of cholesterol, under the influence of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from the pituitary. DHEA is the fundamental material used to produce all your steroid hormones in the body including testosterone and estrogen.

DHEA is essential for the body's internal "maintenance" alarm system you can call it so. DHEA is vital for the daily replication of body cells and production of sex hormones. Without sufficient amount of DHEA, cellular damage slowly rises until disease becomes a risk. DHEA promotes strong immune system and therefore health by helping to prevent this accumulative damage.

However, DHEA levels tempt to! decline as aging advances. Just imagine, DHEA levels start to decline already about age of 30. If you measure DHEA as sulfates its easy to determine that the average blood level of DHEA declines by about 50% of its level with each passing decade.

Now the whole point is that we have good news for you reg. DHEA. Research and testing are showing that for most people proper supplementation with 50-100 milligrams of DHEA daily will maintain their DHEA sulfate level within or near the level normal to healthy body at the age of 30.

Serious research is done in this area. Therefore we can be sure that this amount is completely safe from all sides and may provide a number of physiological benefits such as improved body composition, muscle strength and blood hormone profiles. It is also proved that any healthy person over 40 should definitely consider supplementing with DHEA.

To claim you free gift and learn the secret of natural, effective and fast muscle building ! you can visit as at

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About Weight Loss Diets

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Diet for Six Pack Abs - Things You Should Avoid

There are tons of diets on the market that are just not designed for you to have six pack abs. The bad thing, though, is that there is rarely any kind of info for a proper diet for six pack abs.

I am going to share some things that you should avoid while you are working to get six pack abs. These are common mistakes that are made by both men and women that are trying to get that sleek and sexy stomach.

The first thing that most people do not realize is that most of the foods that are designed for dieting are bad for belly fat. All of the foods that are marked as "sugar free" and "low carb" actually have artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and other chemicals that mess with your hormones and cause you to have more belly fat. This is a really big mistake most people make when trying to diet for six pack abs.

Another common misunderstanding that most people have, is that they think that ab exercises like crunches, sit-up, etc burn fat. The fact is that n! one of these will actually burn any fat from your belly. They do help you to get bigger muscles, but the fat will still be hiding your six pack.

You also do not have to do a ton of cardio exercising in order to get six pack abs. It is a common misunderstanding that you will have to run your butt of and do a ton of cardio to get results. That is so wrong. You need to concentrate on exercises that will boost your metabolism for your belly fat.

If you were to go to the gym and look at most of the people in there, they will not have any kind of ab muscles that are visible. The reason is because they are doing everything wrong when it comes to working on the ab muscles. Most of the people that you see may have big muscles, but lack that sleek sexy stomach that we all desire.

The reason for this is because they do not know the proper way to diet for six pack abs. It is not like other workouts they do for arms, legs, chest, etc. It takes more than that for the ab! s.

Did you know that over 90% of the people that are wor! king on their stomach muscles are doing everything wrong and will not see any kind of great results? They will likely give up and go on to something else.

So, if normal exercise doesn't work, and if cardio does not work, then what does work?

Do you want to know what really works and how you can get six pack abs quicker than you ever thought possible? Click Here to find out more.

Diet for Six Pack Abs - Get The Truth

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Home Based Business Articles

Monday, January 14, 2008

Elements Of A Proper Bodybuilding Diet

One of the most effective weapons you can have if you want to achieve maximum potential in bodybuilding is your diet. In planning your bodybuilding diet it is important insure that it provides the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as supplying the body with the energy needed to complete your desired exercise program.

Protein is at the head of the list required in a good bodybuilding diet. It is critical not only for building muscle but also for losing fat and for contributing to the overall health of our tissues and organs. Your diet should include 1 gram of protein for each pound of your body weight. Active bodybuilders should increase that amount to a gram and a half per day. Meat, fish, and milk are all good sources of protein.

A good diet will also include large quantities of carbohydrates which are a major source of the fuel that our body uses for activity. Complex carbohydrates should be included in your diet through starches and! fiber. Complex carbs include pasta, whole grain rice, and whole grain breads as well as potatoes.

Don't leave out the fats! They are an important part of a good bodybuilding diet. We need fats to function correctly and efficiently. They are an energy source for the body and regulate most of our bodily processes.

The key here is to include good fats and try your best to minimize the bad fats. By "good fats", we are talking about unsaturated ones found in olive oil or flaxseed oil. A good rule to look for is that unsaturated fats are ones that remain liquid at room temperature. Saturated fats that solidify at room temperature tend to clog your arteries and lead to health problems. They should be avoided as much as possible. Animal lard and butter are examples of saturated fats.

Fiber is another key ingredient in a good diet. Fiber helps your body flush out impurities on a regular basis and helps contribute to weight loss. Good sources of fiber include whole! grains as well as nuts and seeds.

It would be hard to i! nclude t oo many vegetables in your diet. They contain essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to operate efficiently. Fruits may be a good source of fibre and certain nutrients but should be consumed in moderation. Some fruits have a tendency to cause water retention and contribute a larger amount of sugars than you would need.

An effective bodybuilding diet is one that is balanced and nutritious with the majority of your protein and carbohydrates consumed in the morning. Rather than eating the traditional three large meals per day, eat five or six small meals daily to spread the benefits throughout your active day. Remember, a proper diet is just as important to effective bodybuilding as is the correct program.

Gerry Marsh is a successful author and publisher of several websites including Muscle-Building-Reviews which includes resources for planning your proper bodybuilding diet

Article Source:

Weight Loss Supplements

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Six Pack Abs - Toning Exercises

Whether you wish to achieve six pack abs or just get a firmer flatter stomach, there are basically two steps to the process. First, lose weight (through a combination of diet and regular exercise), and secondly, tone your abs by performing exercises targeted specifically at that muscle group. However, before you perform any abs exercises, there are a few important issues to consider.

Firstly, some general healthy and safety issues:-

1. Before you begin any new exercise regimen, you should consult your doctor. This is important no matter how good you think your health is, but is absolutely crucial if you currently suffer from any medical condition.

2. Performing abdominal exercises can be very stressful on your back. Thus, if you have a history of back pain, or have every suffered a back injury, you should be careful when carrying out abdominal strengthening exercises. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself further, or exacerbate an existing inj! ury. You should also be sure to perform stretches before and after each exercise session, as they can help prevent injury from occurring.

3. Most doctors generally do not recommend sit ups, as they feel that they can potentially be bad for the back. It is worth bearing in mind that there are a wide variety of different possible abdominal exercises that you can perform - so there's plenty of alternatives if you don't want to do sit ups, or if your doctor advises against it.

4. If you use weights as part of your exercise regimen, you need to start up with small weights and gradually work up from there over a extended period of time. If you go too far, too fast, you will do yourself an injury.

The other subject matter which I which to touch upon is machines targeted at strengthening the abdominal muscles - you may have seen such magazines advertised on TV (especially infomercials) or in magazines. Do such machines work? Yes, it's certainly true that many of t! hese machines can be effective (obviously the degree of effect! iveness depends on the machine and how you use it). However, the other side of the coin is that such a machine may not be necessary - as you will see in the next chapter, there are many abdominal exercises that you can perform without the aid of an expensive or specialist machine! The other thing to bear in mind is that many of these machines will do very little to help you actually lose weight - and don't forget that weight loss is an important part of obtaining a six pack.

By S. Tanna. Special Report Reveals The Secret of Six Pack Abs! Discover How You Can Achieve A Firm Flat, Toned and *Sexy* Stomach - - includes 20 different abs exercises!

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Source: http://ezinearticles.c! om/?Six-Pack-Abs-Toning-Exercises&id=920960
Health & Fitness, Medicine for you

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Basic Training For Building A Big, Muscular Chest

An essential element to having an impressive upper body is broad, densely muscled chest. In this article, I'll give you the basics of how to get pectoral development that's sure to give you the strength and appearance that you desire!

Warming Up

One of the most important elements of any weight lifting activity is preparing your body for the work ahead. Before starting your chest workouts you must make sure that you warm up properly. Given the risk of injury, this portion of your chest training is absolutely essential. I recommend that you warm up with 1 or 2 sets of 12-15 pushups prior your chest training sessions. Even if you're starting your chest training after you've trained other body parts, don't be fooled into thinking that you're already "warmed up" and that your pecs are ready for an intense workout. Remember, a few minutes devoted to warming up is time well spent as this preliminary exercise can prevent muscle pain or serious injury.

The Pyrami! d Principle

When you begin training your chest, you'll need to discover how much weight you must lift to stimulate maximum growth. The absolute amount of weight will vary with each exercise according to your strength and endurance levels. Having said this, there are certain chest exercises that you shouldn't perform with heavy weight. These exercises include dumbbell and cable cross over flys which put intensely isolated resistance on the "pec-delt tie-ins" located at the intersection of your chest and shoulders.

To build pectoral mass you should instead focus on flat bench and incline dumbbell presses, parallel bar dips and weighted pushups. As a guideline to the relative amount of weight that you should use to stimulate muscle growth, I've found that 70-85 percent of my "one-rep" maximum with proper technique is best for these purposes. In other words, if your one-rep maximum for dumbbell bench press is 100 pounds (i.e., two 50 pound dumbbells), you should ini! tially complete your work sets with dumbbells ranging from abo! ut 35 to 45 pounds.

During the mass building phase of your chest workouts, the "pyramid principle" requires you to progressively increase the amount of weight lifted during your work sets. As you increase the amount of weight, you decrease the number of repetitions performed in each set. A sample pyramid set for doing dumbbell bench press with a one-rep maximum of 100 pounds would be the following:

Set #1 - 10 reps x 30-35 pound dumbbells;

Set #2 - 8 reps x 35-40 pound dumbbells;

Set #3 - 6 reps x 40-45 pound dumbbells;

1-rep maximum - 50 pound dumbbells.

If you can't work with 70-85 percent of your one-rep maximum at the beginning of your chest building program, don't worry about it. Just find an amount of weight that challenges you to complete 10, 8 and 6 repetitions and gradually increase the resistance from that point. You don't need to try a one-rep maximum lift in every workout, but this "power-check" allows you to monitor your strength incr! eases and ensure that you're using enough weight during your work sets.

When your one-rep maximum increases or you find that you can do more than 10, 8 or 6 reps as you pyramid through your work sets, then it's time to increase the amount of weight for each of these sets to continue stimulating muscle growth. The pyramid principle is simple and essential to building a big, muscular chest. You should apply it throughout the mass building phase of your chest training efforts.

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm trainin! g tips that really work, visit

Article Source:

All About Weight Loss

Friday, January 11, 2008

Control The Diet - And Let It Then Shape You!

To be successfully in a task like bodybuilding, you should be aware that it is a complete lifestyle rather than a few hours in the gym. Needless to say, you will have to go about it in a professional and target-oriented way, adopting the complete lifestyle of a bodybuilder. Most importantly, you should eat and train like one. The physique and muscle that you are looking for will not be achieved unless you have the necessary discipline and if you could keep yourself going - if not, then you will start to feel hopeless like the many others doing this task. Short-term sporadic approach can only lead to agony followed by quick regain of weight.

The Diet

The best in this business strongly believe in, and have shown to achieve success with a very simple diet. However, the diet has to be organized! You should have a plan for what you are up to, and should know what you are doing!

Firstly, Protein is what makes the muscles. According to age and gender, diet shou! ld contain a good part of protein. In fact your main intake of food should comprise of proteins and all other nutrients should be revolving around it. Since you would be taking in a lot of protein, you should find different ways to meet the requirements. Protein can be taken from low-fat part of meat, egg whites, fish and non-fat cottage cheese.

Other than protein, you also have to organize routine for your carbohydrate and fat intake. Some believe that the way you manage carb intake plays a pivotal role in successful bodybuilding. There are three different kinds of carbohydrates: complex, simple and vegetable. Good sources of complex carbs include rice, egg whites, different kinds of cereal and potatoes. Simple carbs can be obtained from fruits, while vegetable carbs are abundant in vegetables. All three types of carbohydrates are essential, and so equally important.

Fats, even though important, if taken unnecessarily, can drain your efforts in workouts. Health! y fat sources include fish oils, olive Oil and nuts such as al! monds.

On a general basis, you should have meal servings including proteins and carbs: complex and simple, two to three times a day. Also, have a meal of simple carbs before and after the workouts in the morning. This diet is preferable for people who do not have concerns of gaining excess weight. If you feel you have to lose some fat, then avoid complex carbs in the meals twice or thrice daily. Instead, you can increase lean meat intake.

Incase you want to do both, that is, to lose fat and gain muscle, here is a well-tried formula. First, do not have any carbs for three days in a row apart from before and after the workouts in the morning. On the fourth day, eat loads of carbs and everything you have wanted to eat the previous three days. Then start the three days over again.

This diet plan has proved to be very effective and has been adopted by many athletes due to its comparatively greater practicality. However, it demands on your part to show some sustained com! mitment. Stick to it, and you will definitely see immediate results due to the Bodybuilding Lifestyle!

Saman Rashid is an experienced writer.She has been writing articles and web copies since 3 years. To contact her, kindy visit

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Health & Fitness, Medicine for you

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The 5 Best Chest Building Exercises for Beginning Bodybuilders

If you've read any of my articles on arm training you know I'm all about building big, muscular arms that ooze power and look great! But to look and feel your very best you've got to balance those GUNS with a thick, muscular chest.

Many beginning bodybuilders mistakenly believe that barbell bench press is all they need to build a massive chest. And some guys love to impress themselves by bragging about how much they can "bench." Hopefully you're not in this crowd because you simply can't build truly awesome pecs with barbell bench press alone. The standard bench press is a compound exercise that involves coordinated work from the chest, triceps and shoulders. While this exercise is great for building overall upper body strength, it's not enough for getting maximum growth, shape and muscularity in the entire pectoral region.

If you really want a big, muscular chest with well defined pecs that look like tectonic plates, you should try the 5 chest building exerci! ses I've listed below. I've chosen these exercises because they're simple and effective for beginners who need a solid foundation in chest-building fundamentals to achieve long-term bodybuilding success. The equipment needed for each exercise is generally available at any gym or health club. Each of my Top 5 chest-building exercises will help you simultaneously build mass, shape and power in your chest. The entire pectoral area is directly targeted during each exercise to maximize growth and efficiency from your workouts.

Now, here's my list of the Top 5 starter exercises for building the big, muscular chest that you desire! They're not listed in any particular order, so there's no reason to think that one particular exercise is better than another. You must decide what works best for you by experimenting with each exercise. But rest assured that any chest-building program that includes all of these exercises will definitely add inches, symmetry and power to your pecs! .

1. Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press is ! one of m y favorite exercises for building mass, shape and power in my pecs. Try it and you'll soon feel this way too! Unlike barbell bench press which often causes shoulder pain and risks rotator cuff injury, this exercise allows you to comfortably stretch your pecs through a greater range of motion to stimulate more muscle fibers for enhanced growth and shape.

And if you really want to build strength in your chest, balancing and controlling each dumbbell during high intensity sets requires considerably more power than it does to complete the same motion with a barbell. If you don't believe me, consider the following. If your one-rep maximum in the barbell bench press is 250 pounds, you might logically assume that you could work with two 125 dumbbells for your Dumbbell Bench Press. But if you actually tried to do this you'd be in for a big surprise! Bench press with dumbbells is harder and requires more strength than the barbell variety. I recommend it for beginners because th! e difficulty lies not in the technical aspects of the lift, but in the strength required to complete it. And the sooner you start developing the strength in your chest necessary to effectively complete this exercise, the better.

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

The size, shape and strength building benefits of Incline Dumbbell Bench Press are basically the same as discussed in Exercise #1 above. The basic difference is that these benefits are concentrated in the upper portion of your pecs. If you've never done this exercise before or if you've only done it with a barbell, remember that Incline Dumbbell Bench Press requires and builds more strength than doing the same movement with a barbell. That means you'll need to experiment initially with different poundage to find the amount of weight that you can lift with proper training technique. Remember, don't try to impress or keep up with anyone else in the gym - especially when you're first starting out. And don't w! orry about those guys doing nothing but incline barbell bench ! press. T hey'll be shocked when they see your chest after disciplined and consistent training with this exercise.

3. Parallel Bar Dips

Parallel Bar Dips are great for shaping and building mass in the entire pectoral region. Grasp the handles of a parallel dip apparatus and hold your body suspended between them. For primary training emphasis on your chest, lean forward as you perform this exercise (holding your torso erect puts primary resistance on your triceps). Inhale as you lower yourself as far down as you can comfortably descend and then exhale as you push yourself back up to the starting position. This exercise is a great bodyweight chest builder as long as you watch your technique and lean forward throughout the movement.

For an overload effect or to pyramid your work sets, use a harness to hang a barbell plate or dumbbell from your waist for added resistance. Most commercial gyms and some health clubs have these harnesses, so if you need one, ask for it.


4. Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys are designed to build well defined, massive pecs by isolating resistance on the chest as much as possible with strict training technique. Such technique requires the controlled movement of the dumbbells over your chest with your back and shoulders planted firmly on a flat or incline workout bench. This means you shouldn't try to do this exercise with excessively heavy weight (I suggest poundage that allows you to do 10-12 reps). Make sure that you don't jerk the dumbbells together with bodyweight or shoulder assistance. This type of cheating on training technique deprives the chest of the work it needs to grow and simply wastes time. If done properly, this exercise will thicken and shape the "pec-delt tie-ins" where your chest and shoulders meet to give your pecs a full and wide frontal appearance.

5. Weighted Pushups

Standard pushups are a compound exercise that involves the triceps, chest and should! ers in the "pushing" motion. If you can do 3 sets of 15-20 pus! hups wit h little or no difficulty, you should try Weighted Pushups to increase resistance on your chest. For proper performance, take a standard pushup position with your hands and arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Have a training buddy gently place a 5-10 pound barbell plate on your back to force your chest to work harder than it would with a standard pushup (you can increase the amount of weight as needed).

Make sure you keep your back straight and your head up to balance the weight and put maximum resistance on your chest. Slowly lower your chest to nearly touch the floor and then push yourself back up to the starting position. Try this and you'll be amazed at the results you can get from such a simple exercise!

So, there you have it - my Top 5 list of chest-building exercises for beginning bodybuilders. When you try them, make sure that you use safe amounts of weight and proper training technique with every exercise. Have fun and start making plans to buy some ! bigger shirts!

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit

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Home Based Business Articles

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Build A Big, Muscular Chest With Isolation Workout Techniques

Whether you're wearing an Armani suit or a tank top, to look your best you need a thick, muscular chest. Isolation chest training is designed to force the targeted muscle, in this case your chest or "pecs", to perform with minimal assistance from other muscle groups. Flat bench and incline dumbbell flys are examples of isolation training that, when performed correctly, are very effective for building a big, muscular chest.

On the other hand, compound exercises encourage simultaneous and coordinated work between various muscle groups. For example, the barbell bench press is a compound powerlifting movement that enlists help from the triceps and shoulders. While the bench press is great for sport specific conditioning and building overall upper body strength, isolation training will stimulate maximum growth of the pectoral muscle area.

For example, I recommend flat bench and incline dumbbell flys for adding mass and shape to the entire pectoral region. Though th! ese exercises are very effective when done properly, I frequently see beginning bodybuilders wasting valuable gym time doing them incorrectly. The most common mistake with flat bench and/or incline dumbbell flys is jerking the dumbbells together by shifting or raising the shoulders during each rep.

Flat bench and incline dumbbell flys are designed to build massive pecs by isolating resistance on the chest as much as possible with strict training technique. Such technique requires the controlled movement of the dumbbells over the chest with your back and shoulders planted firmly on a flat or incline workout bench. Jerking the dumbbells together with bodyweight or shoulder assistance deprives the chest of the work it needs to grow and simply wastes time.

Unfortunately, many beginning bodybuilders have more enthusiasm than knowledge when it comes to properly performing isolation workouts for their chest. As a result, too many beginners start out working with weight! that is too heavy to handle without cheating on their chest t! raining technique.

Remember, you should never work with more weight than you can lift naturally and with proper training technique. These rules particularly apply with flat bench and incline dumbbell flys. Both of these exercises require careful, deliberate movement to get the most from your isolation chest training. So don't blow it by trying to impress or keep up with anybody else - especially if you're just starting out. Use safe amounts of weight with proper technique and you'll soon build the big, muscular chest that you desire!

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Yo! ur GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit

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Real Estate Investing and Foreclosure

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Fastest Way To Build Muscle And Burn Fat Is Through More Turbulance Training

If you've been trying to build muscle and loose fat fast through cardio then listen up - don't kid yourself. There is a far better way and as a bonus it's also the fastest way to build muscle.

Are you also spending many hours per day on the treadmill trying to get that six pack to come out from under all that unsightly flab? Well the bad news is that you may in fact be doing yourself a dis-service with this approach.

Why ? There are several disadvantages - cardio isn't very efficient (in fact, you might find it becomes totally ineffective in due course) and there's a very real possibility that you could sustain injury and muscle loss if you persist for too long.

So, what is this 'better' way to build pure muscle? Reduce the cardio and up the weight training. This has the double whammy effect of slimming you down, and also being the fastest way to build muscle. Adding weight training will build pure muscle by raising your metabolic rate for long periods a! fter your workout.

This maximizes fat loss in a way that cardio alone cannot ever hope to achieve. This alone, however, isn't the complete answer to a maximum efficiency workout. The other two critical factors that many seem to overlook is intensity of training and hitting as many muscles as possible.

The reason cardio isn't very effective is because it is too regular in its intensity plus it doesn't provide sufficient stress on enough muscle groups to stimulate growth.

So, if you desire maximum results from your workouts and you want the fastest way to build muscle and burn fat,then you need to stress multiple muscle groups to the point of fatigue. Bump up the intensity and you'll get a muscle packed physique that also burns fat like a furnace.

Much as you might have come to depend on Cardio, it's now time to reevaluate this approach as the fastest way to build muscle and burn fat. If you want to stop wasting your precious time in an attempt to get ! rid of flab, consider the benefits of a workout with a bit mor! e Turbul ence.

There is further Scientific research that shows what can be achieved if you know what you're doing. However, first You must understand the principles, then apply the techniques. So if you want to see the most up to date scientific methods and the Fastest Way to Build Muscle and get rid of flab click the link.

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About Weight Loss Diets

Monday, January 7, 2008

Athletic Physique - A Commitment To Strength, Conditioning and Fitness Optimization

The "out of shape" want to "get in shape", so they look for workout programs to maximize muscular size and aerobic capacity. Just look at most popular workout programs and you'll see variations of the same thing. Resistance training to build muscle and aerobic training to burn fat and improve aerobic endurance.

But they are wrong! (Sorry to be so blunt, but it must be said.)

The strong, lean, athletic body most people strive for is NOT the product of maximizing muscular growth and aerobic capacity. Big bulky muscles and the ability to exercise at a low intensity for long periods of time is not the key to the athletically attractive body most men and women desire. It never has been, and never will be.

If you want the strong, lean, muscular body that looks, feels and performs great, you must commit yourself to strength, conditioning and fitness "Optimization".

The simple fact is, to achieve your strength, conditioning and fitness optimization goals y! ou must commit to pursuit of performance improvement, not muscular size and aerobic capacity maximization.

Committing yourself to strength, conditioning and fitness optimization develops performance improvements which forces the body to make physical changes to increase performance. These physical changes include building muscle, burning fat and improving heart and lung power. Ultimately, training for performance improvement leads to the physical changes most people want.

So, what's the difference between maximization and optimization?

There are a lot of physical abilities involved in being fit. For example: strength, power, speed, flexibility, balance, coordination, agility, accuracy, endurance and toughness. When you seek to optimize your fitness, you take all these physical abilities into account. When you try to maximize only one physical ability, the other physical abilities are neglected. This often means you maximize one ability at the expense of al! l the others.

It actually gets worse when you try to max! imize a result of training, like muscular size or leanness. Imagine only focusing on muscle size, without any regard for how much fat you have on your body. Or, imagine only being concerned with fat loss, at the expense of athletic muscle. In either case, the desired body is not the result of seeking to maximize only one physical result.

On the other hand, an athletic physical is the RESULT of training all the physical abilities needed for a high level of fitness. Your training is a compromise, and your athletic physique is the result of this compromise. Because the fact is, the strong, lean, athletic body is capable of doing many things well under a wide variety of circumstances, and not the result of only being able to do one thing well.

Don't get sidetracked from optimizing your fitness, performance and physique!

The truth is, the vast majority of the fitness industry is dedicated to muscle size and aerobic "maximization". The programs found in most commercial g! yms or "fitness" publications are designed to make your muscles larger and increase aerobic endurance (as if those two traits alone were the keys to fitness excellence). Unfortunately for the practitioners of these types of programs, big muscles have very little to do with performance and aerobic endurance is only one of many elements needed for fitness excellence.

So, if you share my goal of a strong, lean, athletic physique train like an athlete for strength, conditioning and fitness optimization. Forget about maximum muscle growth and aerobic endurance, and train to optimize your athletic performance. The result is a body that looks great, performs well under a wide variety of circumstances and is better suited to get the most out of life.

This is what you want from your training, right?

Coach Eddie Lomax, founder of the Optimum Fitness Network, believes we are all athletes and should train like athletes. His Athletic Body Workout targets general fit! ness, fa t loss and strength and muscle building for an athletic physique you can be proud of.

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