Monday, April 30, 2007

Adding Muscle Mass Over Age 35

We received a request to discuss some of the ways Metroflex Gym would help someone above the age of 35 gain lean muscle mass. We will discuss of both of those in this newsletter. Again, please send in your questions and suggestions for topics as we want to provide you with information which is both valuable and cannot be readily found on the Internet.

As for gaining lean muscle mass over the age of 35, Metroflex Gym has some techniques to help you. First, please remember that the muscle magazines are no longer targeting you with their ads as they concentrate on the market focusing on teenagers to those in their late twenties. This is a good thing as now you can focus simply on what needs to be done. Note that this applies to men AND women, as many women could benefit from increasing their lean muscle mass as well.

Here is the checklist:

  • First, make sure that you understand your true, underlying motivations for gaining size. One of the previous newsletters described the �Three Questions� technique; and I will be happy to send it to any of you who did not receive it.
  • Next, make sure that you are honest with any illnesses, injuries (including arthritis, muscle tears, etc.). If you know certain exercises which cause problems, then structure your routine to exclude such exercises.
  • Make sure that you get medical clearance! Most health recommendations geared toward average North Americans include increasing cardiovascular activity, reducing body fat levels, and other techniques to actually reduce one�s size, not deliberately gain size. Just be careful and make sure that you have medical approval.
  • You have to know your recovery ability. This is not just �localized� recovery, but �systemic� recovery as well. For example, if you trained your legs intensely during a workout, they may be ready to train again two days later. However, your body�s recovery systems (lymphatic, etc.) may not have recovered adequately for you to be fully recovered. Make sure that you know how your OVERALL body recovers from intense weight training.
  • Slow down your repetitions. In order to reduce the odds of injury, be sure that you have a competent spotter (on exercises which require one), and SLOW DOWN your repetitions. Take 2-3 seconds to raise the bar, and take 3-4 seconds to lower the bar. You will most likely have to reduce your starting weights� and that is FINE!
  • Choose exercises which target large muscle groups. If you truly want to gain muscle size, make sure that you focus on exercises which will enlarge your entire muscular frame. If approved to do squats & deadlifts (and/or their alternate exercises such as box squats & rack deadlifts), then do those exercises. Focus on exercises which will give you more muscular legs, a stronger back, and increased chest muscularity.
  • If you have joint pain or other range of motion difficulties, consider doing static holds, negatives, or partial-range movements.
Select & eat healthy food the vast majority of the time, and gradually increase your caloric intake slightly above your maintenance needs. That way you will be able to add lean mass without gaining lots of adipose (fatty) tissue. Ask your doctor if you can add supplemental healthy oils (olive, flax seed, fish, etc.) to increase your calories gradually. Copyright 2007 Bullpen Marketing LLC. All rights reserved.

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