Friday, April 13, 2007

The Hidden Benefits Of Creatine For Muscle Building

The muscle building supplement creatine is actually a natural substance which is most commonly found in foods such as red meat. However it has become a staple supplement for many bodybuilders who use creatine for building muscle, as it has been shown to help bodybuilders in a number of ways. Before you think about taking creatine make sure you speak to your doctor.

Benefits of Creatine

The first major benefit of creatine is to aid the rebuilding of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used to power your muscles while lifting weights. ATP levels in your muscles reduce each time you lift so by taking creating supplements it allows you keep lifting for longer as your ATP levels will be higher. Thus you can train harder for longer and as a result get better training results.

Secondly, creatine enhances your body s ability to store glycogen; glycogen is the principle storage form of glucose. Thus creatine helps your body store more glycogen in the muscles, so allowing you to train harder and longer. Creatine supplements are also beneficial if you don t get sufficient quantities of it in your normal diet. For example vegetarians often don t get enough creatine in their diets as it is mainly found in red meats.

Are You Going To Use Creatine?

Whether you decide to use creatine or not is really down to you, don t take the decision lightly as creatine is not for all bodybuilders. Most research has shown that creatine is safe to use, however you should always consult your doctor before starting to take creatine supplements.

Make sure that you follow the dosage guidelines carefully so that you get the best results. Also you will need to drink extra water, as one of the side products is increased levels of creatinine which is filtered from the body by the kidneys, so you need to drink extra water especially if you have kidney problems, as creatinine is not good for your health and body. Use your common sense and use your brain and you too can see how creatine, when combined with a proven training program, can help you build bigger muscles fast.

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