Friday, April 13, 2007

A Simple Workout Plan To Build Muscle Quickly And Effectively

Here is a simple workout plan to build muscle quickly and effectively. This workout will build the large muscles of the chest and back and arms and legs. We will discuss how often you should exercise in order to build muscle as well as how many sets and repetitions you should do during each session.

This workout plan to build muscles will also examine the role proper diet and nutrition play in assisting you in building muscle. There are other factors that are often neglected in many workout plans. These topics include rest, hydration, and stretching. We will include them in our workout plan. Each plays an important part in building muscle quickly and effectively. Since our objective is to build muscle quickly and effectively, we will use barbells and dumbbells in our exercise program.This simple workout plan will utilize classic exercises such as the bench press, bicep curls and squats.

In order to build muscle quickly and effectively, it is vitally important to select a weight that allows us to perform the right number of repetitions properly. Experts tell us that we gain muscle mass most effectively by choosing a weight that we can lift or curl or press from 5 to 7 times. The exceptions to the 5 to 7 rep rule are the calves, forearms, and abdominal muscles. You will want to choose a weight that allows you to do 10 to 12 reps when exercising these muscles . How many sets should you do for each exercise? For the large muscle groups of the chest, back, and thighs do at least 5 sets to begin. You may want to add another set of so as you advance. Only do about 2 to 4 sets for the smaller muscle groups.

Remember to choose the weight that allows you to do the correct number of sets and reps. It may take you a bit of experimenting to get to the proper weight. Always stress proper form. If you cannot do the exercise correctly, go to a weight that allows you to perform the exercise correctly. It is important not to overdo it in any exercise program. I suggest you workout on Monday, Wednesday, And Friday only. Do your workout intensely on those days and rest on the other days. Muscle builds when it repairs itself and grows stronger.

I suggest your workout include this simple list of basic exercises.

1. Bench Press 2.Overhead Dumbbell Press 3. Bicep Curl 4. Overhead Tricep Extensions 5. Bent Over Rows 6. Deltoid Lifts 7. Forearm Curls 8. Squats 9. Calf Raises 10. Curl Ups

These 10 exercises will help you build muscle if done properly. As I said earlier, muscle builds when you rest. The small muscle fibers tear slightly during your exercises and need time and nutrition in order to repair and become stronger.

Give your body the fuel it needs to grow stronger. Be sure to include enough protein in your diet. Hydrate the body properly by drinking several glasses of water throughout the day. If you plan a workout along these guidelines, you should see gains in muscle mass quickly. Hopefully, this brief article has given you some helpful information to start you on your journey to a more muscular and healthy body.

Would you like to add a free 12 part mini course to your workout plan to build muscle? Visit How To Build Muscle And Burn Fat at to get your free course.

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