Thursday, April 17, 2008

3 Reasons Why You Should Use A Weight Lifting Program Chart

Now, some of them do gain muscle. And I'll tell you what, nothing is quite as satisfying as knowing that you just performed at your best. So now he adds some more, but again has to stop because now the bar's too heavy. I know some guys that lift weights and never keep track of anything. Do you like watching athletes break records? After a few reps, he stops because the weight is too light. Here are three reasons why:

Reason #1: Motivation. That's exactly how I use my weight lifting program chart. On mine, not only does it show my last 2-3 months of workouts, but it also shows my record bests for each exercise. He finds out what he lifted during is most recent workout and adds ten pounds to that number. Breaking records can, and should, be just as fun for you, even if you aren't a professional athlete.

Reason #3: More efficient workouts. If you are serious about adding muscle, you need to work off a weight lifting program chart. Why? One of the most unused tools available to those individuals looking to add muscle mass to their bodies is a weight lifting program chart. Me too. Its a great motivator.

Reason #2: Quicker muscle gains. He's wasting precious time and energy.

Weight lifter B is ready to workout and looks over his program chart. Be sure to put your chart somewhere where you can see it often, and never do a workout without documenting your results

Click here now to download your FREE muscle building report

Don't make the mistake of believing that you can't effectively gain muscle mass because you failed at it before. By constantly challenging yourself against yourself, you will see quicker gains because you will be using your personal best as the goal to beat (and not just the dull routine of keeping track of what you did for that workout).

So remember to include your personal bests for all the exercises you are doing, not just your bench press. But my thinking is that they could be adding muscle mass at a much quicker pace if they could analyze their prior workouts from their weight lifting charts.

Who do you think will gain and maintain muscle mass more efficiently?

Weight lifter A is ready to workout. He throws some weight on the bar and starts doing some reps. New technologies, supplements and weight training systems are being developed all the time to make it easier for you to gain ! muscle mass. Well, why don't you set up your own records to break? He sees that in his last three bench press sessions, he has steadily increased the weight by ten pounds each time. He vaguely remember what he lifted during is last session. He's now ready to have a challenging workout.

See the difference in the two weight lifters?

If building more muscle is going to be a priority in your life, you need to use a weight lifting program chart. Each time I see the chart I remember the intensity of my last workout, and more times than not, I start getting mentally prepared for my next workout. It will give you additional motivation to workout, cause you to get quicker muscle gains by challenging yourself, and allows you to have shorter, more efficient weight training sessions. Because it is a constant reminder of a crucial part of my life: adding and maintaining muscle mass to my body. Although they come in many forms, the basic purpose of these char! ts is to provide a way to document and analyze your strength t! raining progress. Check out my site for more info: I don't know about you, but I keep my weight training chart up all the time.

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